Saturday 9 April 2016

Evaluation: Institutions

What kind of media institution would likely publish my magazine and why?

A magazine's publisher depends greatly on the intended audience of the magazine, because every institution often caters best for specific genres and audiences. The first thing I would consider is how large my target audience is; whether I aim for a mass or niche audience. If I were targeting a large audience within pop-culture I would want my magazine to be published by a mainstream institution. Examples of this include: Time Inc. (IPC), Bauer, Dennis, Future, etc.
All of the major publishing institutions tend to publish a very broad range of magazine genres and not exclusively music magazines. Using these big names in publishing can reach the largest audience possible, but if my magazine is designed for a more specific and niche audience it would be better to use a smaller institution because it would be more profitable and practical. This is especially relevant because the genre of music that my magazine discusses is 'indie' music, so an indie label would be more appropriate. For example Clash magazine has its own independent label, but is more popular and successful than NME which was published by Time Inc.
Even if publishers like Bauer and Time Inc. have published magazines like NME and Kerrang!, I think it would be more beneficial and suiting to my target audience if I had my own independent label. This is because my audience are mostly independent producers of media themselves so an independent label would boost brand image greatly.

There is also the matter of considering how my magazine will be distributed. I think it would be a good idea to get the magazine published by some major retailers such as WHSmith or Asda to at least get the brand started and selling. 
After gaining some attention from the targeted audience, the magazine may have to stop printing and become available online exclusively. However I strongly believe that the intended audience will prefer something online as they are more in sync with technology due to their lifestyle. Monetisation will come mostly from advertisement and other converged medias that would be accessible online, such as an online shop, subscriptions, ticket sales, competitions, etc.

To conclude my magazine would likely be published by its own independent label and would gain most of its profit from online sales and advertisement.

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