Monday 14 December 2015

Feedback - 14 Dec


some good research work is evident on your blog and it is clear that you understand the analysis process in detail.
There are a few issues however, and some posts which should have been uploaded are missing from your blog. I am sure that you have completed the work but not uploaded to your blog as yet so could you address this ASAP.
I have also added a couple of comments to specific posts for you to look at.

the missing posts are:

2 x front cover analyses
target audience mood board and analysis
advertisers mood board and analysis
main task questionnaire and analysis.

You don't seem to have uploaded any planning work to date either, and you should have completed the initial ideas statement, font and colour mood boards with analysis, as well rough sketches for your magazine. It might well be that you have completed the work but if it isn't uploaded to your blog, then I cannot assess it. Get this sorted ASAP!

Try to remain focussed in class and get this work completed. Time is running away now so it is imperative that you remain on task. Use your Xmas holidays to tie up all research and planning work and get drafts of your 3 main products on your blog.


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